was founded by two tech enthusiasts Peter Cole and Paul Vavich, who felt there was a better and easier way to help understand the law. The current ML models like chat GTP are too generic, which makes them subject to making up answers if they can’t find the right information. By pairing AI with a targeted law database, based on jurisdiction we could give more specific, targeted, and accurate results.

Our mission is to build an accessible law assistant for all lawyers and individuals, one jurisdiction at a time.

*We are not providing legal advice, is a research tool/search engine. You should still consult with a lawyer and check original sources.

Peter Cole (Co-founder)

Peter completed a Bacholar of Electrical engineering with a first class honors along side Paul in 2018. He then went on to work at Microsoft for almost 4 years designing prototypes for enterprise clients, before co-founding his first startup in the agtech space.

With a passion for tech, an eye for sales and marketing he’s ready to have a major impact in this world.

Paul Vavich (co-founder)

Paul worked for almost four years at CISCO in the enterprise space before becoming the CTO for Govconnex, a political search engine company for the lobbyist industry.

With his experience of scaling up tech companies and running small agile software teams, he is ready to make his mark on the law industry.

Company: VC Tech Pty Ltd (derived by combining Vavich + Cole = VC Tech)
Company name: CourtAid
ABN: 70672532188
Contact: [email protected]