Australian Court Answers

CourtAid uses AI to answer each question based on real Australian Court hearings

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Ask any Australian legal question and get references in seconds

Courtaid.ai has access to to over 300K judgments and legislation from all Australian states and territories

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Every court hearing in Australia publishes their decision, transcript and judgment to the public domain. Courtaid.ai uses these data sets to provide powerful insights.


For every search query, CourtAid finds the top 10 relevant search results and passes them along to GPT-4 along with your question to generate a summary of the search results.


CourtAid passes each query to third-party infrastructure such as OpenAI, However, none of this data or your queries can be traced back to you.                                                                               

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Yes, it does. Data is key in the world of AI. Courtaid.ai has access to 300k+ Australian judgments and legislation, behind the scenes an enterprise search engine is used to find relevant sources quickly and then combine them with your questions sent to the AI model. Generic AI’s do not do this or have access to as much Australian-specific data as courtaid.

In fact Courtaid.ai uses chat GTP 4 under the hood, so you get the benefit of a paid subscription to Chat GPT with relevant Australian data.

Courtaid.ai’s data sets are updated daily from Monday-Friday to get the most recent judgments. Historical judgments are still being added every two weeks. As of June 2024, there are 300k+ docs, soon to be 500k.

If you need a publicly available data set added to our model, please let us know via Contact Us or the feedback module

Yes, if you are on a monthly plan, you can manage your plan via your profile in the app. If you are on an annual plan and want to upgrade, it should auto-credit you the remaining balance

Courtaid.ai is constantly upgrading its retrieval algorithm, but sometimes it may not get the most relevant data, so there is a retry button on every response

You can write the context of your situation in the prompt and make it as detailed as possible for the best response. The team is currently working on a private data feature

No, Courtaid.ai uses enterprise security and encrypted databases, so although your questions are stored no one else can see them and questions are anonymised when sent to OpenAi with all the data sets